Sunday, January 24, 2010

so much for being independent

short and sweet.

last night jen was out and teak was in the garage getting loaded with his buddies and i needed to take my many pills. some of which i can open no problem, ho
wever others require two hands. well my pain meds i can't do on my own. and if you ask me they are the most important. so i made a plan.

i took one of those rubber grippy can/jar opener thingies and put it on top of the pill bottle. i then proceeded to push and twist the bottle with the gripper on various parts of my face. yes my face. i took my one good arm and jammed it on my cheek and forehead and chin until it opened. i don't remember which face location finally opened it but i took the pill and went to bed.

well it wasn't till this afternoon till i noticed this.

see all those tiny red dots on my forehead? those are from the rubber grippy thing. guess i wasn't as smart as i thought huh?

the end.

1 comment:

jen scaffidi said...

i am so glad there is photographic proof of your ingenuity / stupidity.