Wednesday, September 8, 2010


i can't help it i like tupperware. like most females i do not really enjoy the act of going to a tupperware party or the act of opening up my wallet to fork over money i don't have for tupperware i don't need. but i do like, no perhaps love, me some tupperware.

recently a friend of mine (the second in a 365 day time span) has become a tupperware consultant. in my attempt to support her and her need for some extra cash i have in the last 3 months spent more money on tupperware then i can recall. which has lead to this dilemma: where the hell am i going to put all of this sexy tupperware!

so, from one of the many tupperware parties i went to in 2010 i purchased these items:

the next party i went to i purchased this:

(this stuff is currently in use)

and lastly while attending tupperware bingo a few weeks back i purchased (and won) even more.
on top of all of this new tupperware i've purchased i also have pieces that i've stolen from my mom

as well as pieces she or i purchased many years ago when my cousin was a consultant:

so as you can see i have a lot of tupperware. not as much as some but certainly more then others. and if you ask my husband i have plenty and there is no need to buy more. silly husband you can never have too much tupperware. this shit is great.
now back to the dilemma.

i want to separate all of the tupperware, which is not to leave this house or be used by the husband, from the cheaper stuff i now care about less and don't mind if it goes missing or ends up under the seat of someones car for six months just to emerge fully furry and frightening. but where am i going to put it and how am i going to do this?

step one: buy these bookshelves:

these were at the thrift store originally marked at $8.50 and then hiked up to $12.00 or something. i waited not so patiently for them to go on sale and as of saturday my friend purchased them for me for $0.75 a piece with an additional 25% off. my math says this means i got them for $1.37 which is not too bad. while they were still at the store i didn't think i would need both of them but figured you can't have too many shelves and if i didn't use them someone sure could.

so i got them home and wiped them off and moved them into the kitchen to prepare for step two: find a wall for them when i realized, i don't think i want all my precious tupperware on open shelves exposed to the elements. the dog hair and the splash from the dog bowl and the vomit from the occasional stupid girl who pukes on my kitchen floor. ok that last one only happened once but you never know when it might happen again. major sad. now what was i going to do? i could put all the crummy non-tupperwareness on these and keep my good tupperware in the original cabinet. and then i saw this:

these drawers were given to me by my uncle because they kind of suck and they have been housing all of this weirdness for i don't even know how long:

but now it hits me. drawers would be good for the tupperware. especially the lids. but can i make it all fit. and where do i put all the stuff that's currently in the drawers?

turns out kind of. i can make it most of it fit. as for the items that were in the drawers that stuff all now lives here:

but where am i going to put these drawers? i had wanted the tupperware in the kitchen, easily accessible but these drawers are in the dinning room and that's just to far. so the moving of furniture begins and this is where we have left it for now!
not my favorite at all. there has to be a better placement for all of this stuff. but for now i'm done. time will tell how many times i or some one walks in the the drawers and bleeds and i am open to any and all suggestions. i fear that i will not be happy until i am covered in tupperware curled up in the fetal position and someone takes over this project. or i will spend the rest of my time in this house moving these three pieces of furniture and everything in and on them.

Friday, June 4, 2010


i've made some significant headway on the den in the last few weeks. in fact, if i hadn't gotten my nose pierced last week it would have been better and if my high school reunion wasn't this weekend i'd be done this weekend.

how does piercing my nose hinder my cleaning abilities you ask? well i got my nose done last week and had this fear that the puncture wound in my nose was going to get full of all the dust and dirt from my old crap so i didn't want to work in the den for a few days.

and as far as my reunion goes i have no plans to attend but a friend of mine is being pretty persistent and not excepting any of my excuses so i fear i may have to spend my saturday night at doppelgangers instead of working on cleaning. which is what i'd rather be doing. for many reasons but the biggest being, i hate doppelgangers.

but the den is looking amazing if i do say so myself. i've thrown away tons of crap and i've boxed up and taken 6 tubs or so to storage and i'm just so proud of myself. i hope hope hope to have the whole thing done before the party on the 19th because then we can open up the doors which makes the house look brighter and bigger and that i love. the last step is going to be shop vacing (it's a word) the windows and window sills of all the dead spiders and bees. yay!!! it's actually kind of gross and i can't figure out how so many freaking bees get in that room but i'm not enjoying all their tiny carcasses lying around my den. it's gross and i'm afraid i'm either going to step on one and get stung by a dead bee or the mo is going to eat one. which would also be bad.

while i did not take and before pictures i will take a slew of after one because i plan to be very very proud of myself once it's done.

i'm awesome!

the end.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Not enough time

I did the math this morning and if i go to work for 8 hours and i sleep for 8 hours that leaves me 8 hours for other things. well i need 2 hours for dinner and 1 hour to get ready for work and 1 hour for working out that then leaves me with 2 hours to watch t.v. 1 hour to knit or crochet and 1 hour to read. if i plan my life out as such i get to do all the things i want to do but nothing else. ever.

of course there are the weekends and those i don't have to work and so there is more time to hang out, if i ever wanted to, and then there are all the household chores to do as well but this just feels too scheduled and i'm not really a fan of that.

this budgeting of my time comes from me realizing yesterday that i don't get to read as much as i'd like to and i don't do stringy things as much as i'd like to. i can always string while watching t.v. but i've realized there are things i want to learn and that means i need to pay attention to what i'm doing and in some cases even find a tutor.

while in phoenix last month i managed to do some knitting but didn't finish the blanket like i wanted to and when i got home i got a treadmill so that's my new toy and taken up some but not all of my attention and with the weather being nicer it means i can more easily work on the den cause it's not so cold.

yet i still feel like there just isn't enough time. i always feel like i can't get to sleep fast enough and i haven't accomplished anything on my to-do list. then again, what's on my to-do list? i'm not really sure but i feel like nothing ever gets taken off the list.

so the big question is do i need more time? or is it simply that i need to want to do less?

the end

Sunday, April 4, 2010

making plans

well it's that time again. when all the kids are out of school for a week and i am reminded that as a grown up i get no spring break. makes me sad and old. along with the lack of break i get, i get to add all of those out of school kids to my every day life. it's a lovely little tradition we like to call vacation bible school. a.k.a. vbs. yes vbs is here once again and i can hardly believe it. feels like i just wrapped up kettles. how can it be april already. i don't know but it is. and as i sit here i am wondering how this week will go. will the movie be sucky with the pool be open. will i have enough adult men to escort boys to the bathroom. the wonderful joys of my life.

however, if i can bring myself to look just past vbs i see vacation. wonderful vacation. nothing fun or exciting other then no work and seeing family i haven't seen in a year.

every year i make a trip to the phoenix area to see my grandma. i'm lucky because there are many aunts and uncles and cousins who live there or also visit often so i get to see a group of them all at once. it's retardedly hot in arizona 300 days of the year so i have very specific times when i will visit and due to my work schedule those dates are narrowed down even further. i pretty much am only willing to go january to may and even april and may are too hot. but i love my family so i suck it up and only complain when they can't hear. i try to go sooner then this like february or march but this year it's april and it will be better then the year it was may. and the year it was october. i never new it could be 100 degrees in october any where. that was a strange experiance i have to say. the weather forcast says it will be high 80's most of the time i'm there and while i'm not thrilled with this degree of heat i am just glad it's not hotter.

i leave on saturday so i have 5 days to pack but true to me i have already started compiling a list and a small pile of things i won't need between now and then. an extra towel so as not to die grandmas towels blue and purple with my hair, a nice dress and shoes to match, capris (it's 45 here today so i don't need those here yet), shorty socks, flip-flops (again no plans to wear them while it's 45). things of that nature. things like shampoo and deodorant will have to wait to be packed until friday because i will want to use them again before then.

i always find deciding what extracurricular goodies to bring one of the two hardest parts about packing for a trip. haven't played the ds in quite some time but what if while i'm away i have a burning need to play. should i bring it or not.

the second hardest part only applies if flying (which i am this trip) and that's, how do i pack? carry on everything but a small checked bag full of full size bath products? put bath products in 3 oz containers in a quart size zip-lock? check everything except the important things and the stave off boredom items (laptop, camera, knitting). i just can't decide. my instincts say to check only the bath stuff and carry everything else. don't want to be stuck in phoenix while my underpants have been sent to milwaukee. then again, there is a part of me that says "make it easy on yourself. it's a vacation. check everything you can and hope for the best. airlines almost never lose luggage any more"

any thoughts?

the end.

Friday, March 26, 2010

all craft some of the time

i took these picture weeks ago. well two weeks ago. sunday the 14th was all craft night at the house. i took pictures with the hope that i could show off some of the things i finished and the newest addition to my on going prayer shawl. i then lent my camera to jen and have only now gotten around to bragging about my awesome craftyness. i'm lazy it happens.

so the humans of the house have chosen to participate in disney's give a day get a day program. for those of you who don't know what that is, basically you sign up with disney to volunteer with a designated organization in your area and when you have completed your volunteer time you get a free one day ticket to disney. well we decided to help out the binky patrol which is an organization that gives blankets to kids who need comfort. the blankets are made of fleece and are called tie or no-sew blankets because all you do is get 2 yards of fleece and then cut and tie the edges making fringe. so easy, and i thought they were pretty fun and soft. and i usually hate fleece. we each made two. i thought i'd pick fleece colors and patterns that could be used for either a boy or a girl and i did the large ones for teens.

the first one i did

the second one i did

they are a nice size and i was excited with the second fleece i picked because the squares made the measuring much easier.

while i didn't get to work on my prayer shawl that night i did take a moment to take a picture of the progress i had made. two days earlier at my bi-weekly thursday night knitting group i finished the second skein of my shawl. i had been itching to start the next skein but wanted to take it's picture before moving on. i threw in a mo for scale.

thanks mo dog!!

it's a nice size. i think when it's done it will be a great length but i'm sure i'm going to wish it was wider. because of that fact, i am now on the hunt for a simple blanket pattern that i can make that will be a good size for wrapping myself in. i know i could take the current measurements and adjust them to make the right size but i haven't figured out the method for that yet.

some day though.

the end!

Monday, March 8, 2010

progress bitches

sorry i'm just so very excited about me.

over the weekend i made some progress in my "craft room" and i'm very proud of myself. while the progress may not be noticeable to the average bear it sure is to me.

my craft room is really the den, and over the last few years it has been crammed full of peoples extra crap. when teak moved his junk in we divided up the house so everyone got an extra spot. jen got the blue room which was already full of her stuff. teak got the garage cause he's a man. and i got the den cause it was what was left. i was happy to take the den cause there is a corner with build in shelves and it's perfect for all my many books and what not. plus i already had some stuff in there.

well in order to make room for everyone else's crap in their prospective rooms i had to get anything of mine out of them and that meant just shoving it into my room. so the den ended up just being a storage container for awhile. in fact some stuff from my actual storage unit made it's way back into the house and was locked into the den. until now.

over the weekend i spent short amounts of time in the den rearranging and moving and throwing away various boxes, papers, toys and other random things that i found. the weekend goal was to uncover a set of plastic drawers that i knew were in there somewhere and i knew were full of crap. the purpose for uncovering these drawers you ask, to clean them out and fill them with KNITTING THINGS!!!!!

for christmas i got some books and some yarn and a really neat bag to carry things in but as the months have gone on i have acquired more things and the bag is perfect for a current project it isn't big enough to hold everything especially all of the yarn i have and all the future things i want. so i started thinking about storage for craftiness and before i could buy anything remembered i already had the perfect thing. and i was off.

the plastic drawers were buried behind a ton of other boxes and randomness so i had to move and attempt to organize those things in order to even get to what i truly wanted. but after an hour or two i made my way to them. cleaning them out was the next step.

one drawer was full of fabric i didn't even know we had. another drawer full of sheets of plastic used for plastic sewing or whatever it's called. you know the stuff old ladies make tissue box covers and what-not out of. and the last drawer full of books. most of them were books and patterns for making those plastic things but a few were for some other types of crafty things. bead work and an all purpose craft book and book about friendship bracelets from 10 years ago. that book had some pretty neat thread bracelets in it if i remember correctly.

the fabric was placed in a box and combined with other fabric i had lying around. the plastic sheets were put aside for the thrift store as were most of the books. i kept a few. there was some neat stuff in them, but the plastic pattern ones all went. as did the yarn that you use for those types of projects. and then it was time to refill the drawers. the top one now contains yarn. practice yarn or yarn that at this point in time has no purpose. the middle drawer contains yarn with a purpose. extra skeins that will be need for current projects or yarn need for the next project. and the bottom still has books. the old books that i kept and my new knitting books. i will most likely also keep extra needles and such in these drawer somewhere too but that doesn't need to happen right now. a little progress at a time.

the point of all this, other then to clean, is to organize things. it's a chain reaction. if i clean and organize parts of the den then i can put stuff away in there and some of the things needing to be put away are in my bedroom. so if i put the things from my bedroom away then i can clean and organize my bedroom. and if i can clean and organize my bedroom perhaps some day i won't feel like i'm living under piles of crap. but instead i will be living peaceful beside them.

the end.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

hooray hooray i love today

well well well today has been an interesting one.

it started out exactly as planned. i got up and went to work and then went over to the high school. i had to go deliver an award to ROTC for the volunteering they did for The Salvation Army over Christmas. they always ring bells for us and this year they won an award for doing so.

after presenting them with their award i tracked down an old teacher just to say hello, and then i tracked down my sister-in-law just to harass her. that was good times, but being back in that school 10 years after was weird. i've been there on off days but never while school was in. i'm 28 and i all of a sudden felt 18 again. strange.

by the time i was done it was 10 and my next "appointment" wasn't until 10:30 so i thought i'd treat myself to a nice breakfast. i went over to heidi's which i haven't been to in 9 years or something and had me some breakfast. in an attempt to not over eat or spend too much money i order biscuits and gravy and only water. it was a filling breakfast and i was full but not over full. so i felt good about that choice i have to say. after my tasty breakfast it was the perfect time to start my stalking mission (a.k.a. my next "appointment")

a friend of the family has been doing my hair for years. she's the only one whose ever really been able to do it right and i love her a lot. she's never afraid to do something crazy and she always answers my really dumb questions. i had called the salon and found out she'd be in a 10:30 so i headed on over.

it was still just before 10:30 and she wasn't there yet so i sat around the parking lot to wait for her. meanwhile i looked through the dvds i had brought with me for the perfect shot of the hair cut i wanted. when she showed up i told her i was there to just talk about my hair and see what she thought and if we could do it great if we needed to re-schedule fine too. she told me she had an appointment already this morning and asked if i could come back to talk about it around 12:30. i told her no problem and let her go on her way.

since i didn't have anything to really do and i was already in the midst of looking for the hair on the dvd i just stayed in the parking lot and kept looking through everything, fully intending to head back to work as soon as i found it. just wanted to be perpared for the afternoon. well a few minutes later she came out and told me her earlier appointment had come and gone so if i wanted to come in and talk now that'd be fine. so i jumped at the chance. i showed her the dvd and we talked about the cut and then the color and then she decide to jump right in and go for it. so of course i was stoked! and three hours later i was done.

and here's the result:

yay! i'm excited and i like it a lot.

the pictures don't do the purple and the blue justice but it's great and the cut makes it super curly which is perfect!

this evening i went to the new knitting group some ladies from the corps are starting. it was a lot of fun. one of the ladies has really been helping me and she showed me how to fix the knitting mistake i've been making and learn to purl. then she gave me homework. i have to knit purl like 10 rows and it's called something. i forget. but it's one of the many new steps i need to learn the next project i have to start. it was really fun and there was beer.

and the my dear was my day.

the end!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

for jen

this post is short sweet and purely for jen.

tonight she tried to help me in figuring out why my feeds aren't feeding to facebook. or something technical like that. so she said i needed to post tonight.


the end!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

the first of many

i hope.

i'd like to post more knitting work here but i haven't. oh wait this is the first thing of worked on since launching this blog. well alright i don't feel bad then.

so here, this is a shawl/lap blanket type thing i've been working on. it's official title is a prayer shawl. i meant to look up the term prayer shawl to see what
makes it a prayer shawl but i forgot to. perhaps i'll do that now. please hold................................................



alright from what i can tell when the prayer shawl is made you actually say a prayer or something spiritual at the start and then you gift it to some one with a prayer or blessing or something spiritual when you're done. if i didn't say
anything at the start and i'm keeping it for myself is it still a prayer shawl? this i don't know. but it's what i'm making. next time i make one i will do it right. cause i'm thinking one would look good in jens room made in colors to compliment her bed decor and my aunt might like one too.

here's a look:

it's a nice size. had i been thinking i would have put my phone or my dog next to it to use as scale. next update i will. when it's done it will be four times longer. and really soft. i'm enjoying the yarn i'm using.

one skein down. three to go.

the end!

i can't help it

i use to really really love my job. a lot. sure there were times when my job was very physically demanding and that wasn't as much fun as say pony rides, but then again there were times when i would spend days on end watching hulu. so it seemed to counteract the physical parts. my job description is still the same. some months i run non-stop and others (like today) i really have nothing to do. (i did pay all my current bills this morning) but lately i dread coming here. and it's not the work i do but the people i am required to see while i'm here.

there is a growing disdain for my co-work that i imagine has been building up for awhile now but ever since last months staff meeting i don't want to be anywhere near her. i just find her oh so annoying and i find that i have to just not say anything for fear of saying something inappropriate.

every year she and i talk about what months we would like to be taking vacation. i mentioned to her i was looking at either may or march. to which she mentioned her and her husband were also looking into may. so i said ok i would look in march instead. after carefully checking and re-checking many calendars i found a week in march that worked. when i went to my boss with that she informed me that was not a good week for me to be gone because both she and her counter part would be out of town that week. so i said ok i would rearrange and look at different times.

the very next day at our staff meeting my co-worker said she would be taking vacation that week. and my boss turned to me to ask me to cover the office and and all programs. i said yes, fully planning to talk with her about this after the meeting, and we carried on. a few minutes later my boss realized what she had just done and decided everyone would be off that week and we would just close the office.

while part of me was glad to be able to go on my trip part of me was very annoyed. why not tell her too she couldn't take that week? why go to the trouble of closing for a whole week? why are we making exceptions for her case? and then the rest of us benefit too? i just didn't understand.

sadly the prices for my trip went up so i am no longer able to go that week any way. while i don't blame my work situation directly for the rate increase i do feel if my boss had just let me go in the first place and made her stay i would have gotten tickets at the good price. also if my boss had said everyone needs to be here i'd be less bitter. because i will now be here to run the office while everyone is away.

as previously stated, i can't help it. i'm still upset by it. i'm annoyed i have to be here, i'm annoyed that i can't find another good time to go anywhere, i'm annoyed my co-worker is leaving that same time, i'm annoyed that it seems as if once again the rules have been altered to avoid her having a fit. i'm just over all annoyed and it's rubbing off onto my daily encounters with her.

i find i don't want to talk with her about anything, work related or not. that i find the very sound of her voice grating even when she's not talking to or about me. and i can't help it. i can only hope that once that week has come and gone i will be over it but i have no hopes that i will be over it before then. and that means being annoyed for the next month. and that seems like a lot of energy.

i had hoped that writing this would make me feel even the tiniest bit better but no luck. i don't feel angrier either so i guess that's good. i do feel like trying to find a way to screw her over but that's not very mature or helpful.

unless it makes me feel better.

the end.

Monday, February 22, 2010

testing one two...


i'm impatient and trying to link or feed or whatever it's technically called this blog to the facebook. so basically this post isn't anything fun or interesting just me playing with technology. wooo hooo!
technology is hard!

the end!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

what the o

the o button on my laptop isn't working right. what's up with that? is there a way to take it a part like you would do with a regular keyboard? somewhere around here i have a can of air but i don't remember where i put it. perhaps i will spend today looking for it while i fight with myself to breath.

stupid cold!

the end

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

my bloody valentine.......'s day

alright so my valentine's day wasn't exactly bloody. i really enjoyed my day. more then i thought i was going to. and that included the fact that i had to go grocery shopping.

i woke up at a regular time and decided to enjoy the time in bed with the dog and the internet. just as i was thinking i might was breakfast i heard
teak come home and start fussing in the kitchen. i waited a bit and to my relief a very tasty breakfast came walking through my bedroom door. followed by gifts. i got a super duty kitchen aide cheese grater set. it's got a box grater and a fine grater and one of those rotary ones. also a mini egg pan. one of those teeny tiny ones that cooks one egg at a time. it's the cutest thing ever! and if that wasn't enough i also got a dozen red roses.

sadly the husband had to go back to work and i was left to do laundry and and go shopping. the usual sunday jobs. i did make a stop at a few stores to pick up some goodies for my valentine. a new spoon and some dvd's. a bath rug for him (not very romantic but practical) .

that was pretty much the end f valentines day. not exciting but thoughtful. and with us headed to the bay area the next day i had other things to look forward to.

so on monday we got up early and headed to oaklan
d where i got this:

my new tattoo hooray!!! and to my surprise teak payed for it as part of my valentines day gift.

we then headed over the bridge to have dinner at the stinking rose. teak had never been and i'd only been once but really enojyed it. so we ate!!!

bagna caulda

teak enjoyed it

teak ordered pizza

i had gnocchi

and then we had garlic ice cream

all and all it was a very very nice day. and we made it home around 10 p.m. which was nice because i had to work the next day.

now to go wash up my tattoo!

the end!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


wow it's been a week since i posted anything. sad about me. although had i know i was going to fracture my elbow shortly after launching this blog i would have waited. cause this one armed typing is getting on my nerves.

so here goes the update:

kitty's still dead. not that i thought that would change but for some reason it feels relevant to me. and if that status does change she's going to be pissed she's been cremated and is now stuck in a wooden box.

elbow is still fractured. dr. says i can choose to not wear the sling as long as i am doing "absolutely nothing". i have broadened the definition of nothing to "as long as i am around my house and not using my arm". cause i'm tired of wearing the sling. but i'm supposed to go back for another x-ray tomorrow to see if i am making any progress. but i am blowing off the appointment because....

i have tonsillitis. i am recovering well with out the aid of antibiotics which is nice. i use to get tonsillitis twice a year but i haven't gotten it in three years or so. so i figure i'm over do for the illness. luckily this has been the mildest case i've ever had. which is why i'm not taking antibiotics. i figure if i can get well with out being on them then there is no reason to be on them.

a friend of mine insisted i get on facebook. turns out i already had a facebook account but i am now using it. but only to play a game. this friend of mine said i had to check out cafe world because she's obsessed with it. so i did and now i'm obsessed also. at least it's given me something to do the last 2 days while i've been in bed getting well.

i can not for the life of me figure out how to get my blog to e-mail me when comments are left. while no one other then my sister has left comments it's not a big deal but on the off chance any one else ever leaves a comment i would love to figure out how to change that. if you've got thoughts let me know.

and i have been reintroduced to an old favorite quote of mine so don't be surprised if you here or see me spouting it out at every chance i get.

"Jerk! Ass, arrogant, inconsiderate, mindless, frat-boy, lowlife, butt-faced miscreant!"

the end.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


i'm sleepy today. i think the day after day use of the vicodin is really starting to melt my brain. i went to sleep before 1 a.m. last night and couldn't get my butt out of bed before 11 to save my life. and why is it if the dog has to go out at 8 and i'm up for that, i can't get up and stay up? in fact if i do fall back to sleep it makes it even harder to get up two hours later. i find it annoying.

i also find the many birds in this building annoying. people should keep their pets confined to their own homes. you don't see me bringing my dog down here. although now i think i will. he's probably cleaner and quieter then those stupid birds.

i think the pills are also making me more irritable at work too. but not at home. what's that about? usually home makes me irritable.

and now i just heard her say she's sick.

i hate it here!

the end.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

so much for being independent

short and sweet.

last night jen was out and teak was in the garage getting loaded with his buddies and i needed to take my many pills. some of which i can open no problem, ho
wever others require two hands. well my pain meds i can't do on my own. and if you ask me they are the most important. so i made a plan.

i took one of those rubber grippy can/jar opener thingies and put it on top of the pill bottle. i then proceeded to push and twist the bottle with the gripper on various parts of my face. yes my face. i took my one good arm and jammed it on my cheek and forehead and chin until it opened. i don't remember which face location finally opened it but i took the pill and went to bed.

well it wasn't till this afternoon till i noticed this.

see all those tiny red dots on my forehead? those are from the rubber grippy thing. guess i wasn't as smart as i thought huh?

the end.

Friday, January 22, 2010

trials and tribulations of the one armed princess

well it's official. have constant use of only one arm is bullshit. for starters i can't scratch my left arm and right now it really itches.

work is hard. i spent most of today tracking down people and their addresses. that meant a lot of writing which isn't bad but it also meant a lo
t of typing. and typing with one hand is hard. and not a quick task either.

i did not get to leave work as early as i would
have liked, but i did get to go out to dinner with friends and that was nice. i had salad. yes on purpose. i had to think of something i could eat that would be easiest. so a burger was out, and when i wanted to share in the appetizer i had to have some one cut me a piece. just like a child. grrrr.

my after dinner activities proved to be somewhat exhausting. i had to go to the store to purchase a gift for my friends son. he's going to be three on monday. jen was kind enough to drive me to the store. starting the car and putting on my seat belt is hard work so it was nice of her to take me. she hates the store. after spending 30 min
utes or so in the toy isle we finally landed on the fisher price little people castle which is too cute. i like the catapult and the fact that the dragon is purple. i also purchased some conversation hearts because, hell it's almost valentines day and they are my favorite.

upon our return home i thought i was ready for bed but seeing how i want to get this package in the mail tomorrow it seemed there was some wrapping and weighing to do. so first we weighted the package using the wii fit balance board (it weights 5 lbs give or take) and then i had to measure the box. blah blah blah boring boring boring. and then the fun began. it was time to wrap it.

you ever tried to wrap a gift using only one arm? not just one hand but only one arm. it's interesting and i suggest you go have a friend tie your arm behind your back and try it right now.

i think i did a pretty good job all things considered.

but now my arm is killing me more then ever. i think it's been too much excitement for it.
now i just have to see if jen remembers to bring me a box and i hope it fits in it.

time for pills, yogurt and an ice pack. only my favorite ice pack busted today. sad. luckily it's cold enough i'll just put my other hand on my elbow.

so there. that is a day in the life of the one armed princess. or at least today.

the end.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

a short bedtime story

my arm hurts right now
my husband is an ass-hole
time for sleep. the end.

alright so maybe it's a bedtime haiku?

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

clumsy party of one

it's official. i'm an idiot and clumsy.

yesterday, while trying to do the right thing by putting away the dishes so we'd have some clean parts of this house, i smacked my elbow on the microwave. and damn did it hurt. the only time i have ever felt pain anywhere near that bad was in 2004 when i fractured my coccyx. only that pain was a 10. this was like an 8.

so after a slew of owwwww's strung together i went on with my day. did laundry, made the bed, showered, ate perogi's, hung out in the internet. it was a pretty normal day. but my elbow never stopped hurting. in fact my shoulder was killing me by the time i went to bed. even the tylenol p.m. didn't help with the pain.

when i woke up this morning everything hurt still. and worse. i couldn't believe the i could have hit my elbow so hard that the pain was worse and now my whole arm was throbbing. but i sucked it up and went to work.

all day my arm was killing me so i finally looked up some info on the internet. after reading and doing a few simple tests i called the nurses help line. they told me i need to seek medical attention in the next 4 hours. so that was that.

once work was over i drove myself to urgent care where i was poked (in the butt with pain meds) had x-rays done and was given a sling.

diagnosis: the x-ray didn't show any breaks or chips. it could be a very small hairline fracture but in order to determine that for sure they have to send my x-rays out tomorrow.

even if it is a small fracture they won't cast it. so now i'm in a sling. for at least 48 hours. more if i'm still in pain. (typing with one hand is a pain. does that count?) i have vicodin (yay), a six day treatment of steroid anti-inflammatories, this sling, and a ice pack plan. and a bruised ego cause i feel like an ass for fracturing my elbow while doing the dishes.

never again. i am off dish duty.

i need ice.

the end.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

tiny boxes on a hillside

tiny boxes made of ticky-tacky. tiny boxes on a hillside and they all look just the same.

only one of them is in my living room and contains my cats ashes.

today was long long long long. and i'm considering going to sleep now. does that make me an old lady?

we got up early this morning (well early for me) and brought the kitty in to be cremated. the people who own the crematory (not crematorium or even crematory-yum) may be the nicest people ever. i kind of want to be friends with them. they answered all my weird questions and gave us a tour of the facility which included the actual
machine. it was pretty interesting. and morbid. and fun.

and i'm tired.

they promise a same day service, which is apparently not something everyone does. so while trying to decide how to spend the next 8 hours while we were waiting for the cat to be done i suggested driving an extra 30 minutes to see the parents. jen thought this would be a good idea since we were thinking food and they would feed us for free.

so we had a nice day of food and sleep at the parents while waiting for the cat.

once we picked her up and got her home we placed her in her semi-permanent resting place.

next to the heater vent. she spent plenty of time on or near the vents while alive so i figured that'd be a good place for her to end up.

lets see if any one messes with her cause we may need to move her.

who knows.

the end.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

the end

last night was long. and i didn't sleep very well even though i did go home at midnight. i went back at 7 this morning and was tired. and all i did was serve breakfast and sit on my butt. but at least i got to come home and take a small nap. and by small i mean i think it was only 30 minutes tops.

saw my dad today. he came into town to take me to look at tools. now yes on any given day there are 2-3 tools running around here at least but i was looking for specific tools. craftsman tools. a ratchet set to be very specific. so my afternoon was consumed with a sears-craftsman-ratchet set scavenger hunt. and after two stores i found almost exactly what i was looking for. the set i found on-line was nicer and had more pieces and came in inch and metric but, the set i got in the store will do. for now.

after a failed attempt at a nap after the scavenger hunt the husband came home and i convinced him we should to the craft store to purchase some knitting supplies. he's usually not so willing to come along for that sort of thing but tonight not only was he willing but he was also willing to go out to eat. hooray for mini un-planned date night.

and then we came home. jazmine had gotten herself onto the floor some how and for some reason and she was barely breathing. when i went to pick her up i knew this was it. and now she's dead. it's been a good 16 years with her and tomorrow we'll bring her in to be cremated. as long as she doesn't start decomposing over night all things should be fine. that will be left to be seen.

bye kitty. the end.

Friday, January 15, 2010

do i have to?

so today my work schedule is all boo! today i was supposed to come in at noon but with the cramping for the third day in a row i pushed it back till 1. so here i am and here i will sit waiting until 4 when i can go home to rest only to turn around and come back at 8 to hang out with children till midnight. only to go home and sleep just enough to turn around and come right back here at 7 a.m. boooo! i'm not happy about the time frame of my life however i am looking forward to the lack of work i will be getting paid to do. with three adults here standing guard over 20 some odd kids or so i really shouldn't have to do much more then sit and knit, maybe play a video game and then make popcorn. i do hope we watch some movies i like and haven't seen in awhile. because if we watch any of the ice age movies again i may have to quite.

on an unrelated side note, i keep googling myself (yes i snickered too even if it's not all that funny) and i can't seem to get my blog to come up in the search engine. any thoughts? i guess if no one can find this then no one can have any thoughts. on the subject. thoughts about other things. well go ahead with those. the end.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

well that was......something

so i spent my night watching the cat. again. i swear i have spent every night in the last two weeks just watching her or checking on her to see if she's breathing. it's really not as fun as it sounds.

in between watching the rising of her chest i also did some wii fit, made dinner, did the dishes, started a fire (yes on purpose) and watched some t.v. although i couldn't tell you what i watched or what any of it was about. but we watched it and it got deleted from the moxi and that's what's important.

kitty has made her way to my lap making typing a bit more difficult and mo (he's the chihuahua) is sitting to my left frantically chewing on his own foot.

i still need to put away the weird dinner i made and then i can go to sleep. i would like to get to sleep earlier then usual although i don't know why. i don't have to be at work until noon tomorrow. however i do have to work a split shift ending at midnight and i am not looking forward to that. although i hope the late night gives way to some knitting opportunities while at work. let's cross our fingers shall we.

i think my cat is actually asleep. her head is now resting on my arm. guess that means i'm done for the night. or she's dead. the end.

think i got the hang of it

after many hours playing around with the settings and colors and blah blah blah's i think i have finally figured out what i'm doing. and i think i like the way it looks. and yes i did find out i can change the name and url of my blog, but as the night and morning went on the accidental title grew on me and so here it is.

if perhaps you visit my blog one day and come back ever again (which i wouldn't blame you if you didn't) and you find it different don't be alarmed. i'm not sure i have my settings perfect yet so while the visual part of this blog may never be the same the strange and sometimes humorous ramblings will always be around. and so will the bad spelling. thank god for spell check. and please feel free to comment with your spelling corrections. otherwise i may never learn.

there are no specific plans for what this blog will entail. it could be as simple as what i did today to what i'm eating to whether or not my cat is dead yet (cause she's been dying for over a week now). when it comes to the food i am going to try to keep a food journal including pictures so that should get old really fast. i mean there are only so many days in a row people want to look at a picture of a banana.

as for the pets, my pets are a very big part of my life and it always seems like one of them is having some sort of problem. months ago our 11 year old cat fractured her ankle and was in a cast for 8 weeks and now our 16 year old cat is slowly dying from a tumor in her head and face. she's real drooly. we also have a 1 1/2 year old chihuahua who pretty much runs the pet insanity around our place. he's adorable and a dick. aside from the two cats and the dog my sister also has a cat. he likes to sleep in the sink in the bathroom and scare the crap out of me. literally. i went to poop the other day and turned on the light and there he was. didn't really enjoy my bathroom time as much as i usually would due to the stare of the cat. we've also taken to feeding the neighborhood cats by accident. my sisters cat prefers to be outside in the warm months so we were feeding him out there too and some neighbor cats figured it out. there are 5 cats that we don't actually own who eat at our buffet. not every night but one or two can always be found in our yard. we are the crazy cat ladies. plus jew.

yes there will be photos and yes there will be some days with no posts and some days with 5. who knows. i can't make any promises other then i think this will be fun. whether you have fun is irrelevant. and don't be surprised if you have no idea what i'm talking about. i have a feeling there will be many an inside joke. the end.

i have no idea what the fuck i'm doing

so i thought i would start a blog because it seems like everyone in my life has one. alright so it's only my sister and my husband and one of the kids at my work but that's more then i would have thought, so i thought i'd mess around with the settings and names and such and then i'd sleep on it and name the blog tomorrow while at work pretending to actually work. well crap, i did something wrong and named my blog and got my url and now i'm stuck with it. good thing it's a thing i like. the end.