Thursday, February 25, 2010

hooray hooray i love today

well well well today has been an interesting one.

it started out exactly as planned. i got up and went to work and then went over to the high school. i had to go deliver an award to ROTC for the volunteering they did for The Salvation Army over Christmas. they always ring bells for us and this year they won an award for doing so.

after presenting them with their award i tracked down an old teacher just to say hello, and then i tracked down my sister-in-law just to harass her. that was good times, but being back in that school 10 years after was weird. i've been there on off days but never while school was in. i'm 28 and i all of a sudden felt 18 again. strange.

by the time i was done it was 10 and my next "appointment" wasn't until 10:30 so i thought i'd treat myself to a nice breakfast. i went over to heidi's which i haven't been to in 9 years or something and had me some breakfast. in an attempt to not over eat or spend too much money i order biscuits and gravy and only water. it was a filling breakfast and i was full but not over full. so i felt good about that choice i have to say. after my tasty breakfast it was the perfect time to start my stalking mission (a.k.a. my next "appointment")

a friend of the family has been doing my hair for years. she's the only one whose ever really been able to do it right and i love her a lot. she's never afraid to do something crazy and she always answers my really dumb questions. i had called the salon and found out she'd be in a 10:30 so i headed on over.

it was still just before 10:30 and she wasn't there yet so i sat around the parking lot to wait for her. meanwhile i looked through the dvds i had brought with me for the perfect shot of the hair cut i wanted. when she showed up i told her i was there to just talk about my hair and see what she thought and if we could do it great if we needed to re-schedule fine too. she told me she had an appointment already this morning and asked if i could come back to talk about it around 12:30. i told her no problem and let her go on her way.

since i didn't have anything to really do and i was already in the midst of looking for the hair on the dvd i just stayed in the parking lot and kept looking through everything, fully intending to head back to work as soon as i found it. just wanted to be perpared for the afternoon. well a few minutes later she came out and told me her earlier appointment had come and gone so if i wanted to come in and talk now that'd be fine. so i jumped at the chance. i showed her the dvd and we talked about the cut and then the color and then she decide to jump right in and go for it. so of course i was stoked! and three hours later i was done.

and here's the result:

yay! i'm excited and i like it a lot.

the pictures don't do the purple and the blue justice but it's great and the cut makes it super curly which is perfect!

this evening i went to the new knitting group some ladies from the corps are starting. it was a lot of fun. one of the ladies has really been helping me and she showed me how to fix the knitting mistake i've been making and learn to purl. then she gave me homework. i have to knit purl like 10 rows and it's called something. i forget. but it's one of the many new steps i need to learn the next project i have to start. it was really fun and there was beer.

and the my dear was my day.

the end!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

for jen

this post is short sweet and purely for jen.

tonight she tried to help me in figuring out why my feeds aren't feeding to facebook. or something technical like that. so she said i needed to post tonight.


the end!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

the first of many

i hope.

i'd like to post more knitting work here but i haven't. oh wait this is the first thing of worked on since launching this blog. well alright i don't feel bad then.

so here, this is a shawl/lap blanket type thing i've been working on. it's official title is a prayer shawl. i meant to look up the term prayer shawl to see what
makes it a prayer shawl but i forgot to. perhaps i'll do that now. please hold................................................



alright from what i can tell when the prayer shawl is made you actually say a prayer or something spiritual at the start and then you gift it to some one with a prayer or blessing or something spiritual when you're done. if i didn't say
anything at the start and i'm keeping it for myself is it still a prayer shawl? this i don't know. but it's what i'm making. next time i make one i will do it right. cause i'm thinking one would look good in jens room made in colors to compliment her bed decor and my aunt might like one too.

here's a look:

it's a nice size. had i been thinking i would have put my phone or my dog next to it to use as scale. next update i will. when it's done it will be four times longer. and really soft. i'm enjoying the yarn i'm using.

one skein down. three to go.

the end!

i can't help it

i use to really really love my job. a lot. sure there were times when my job was very physically demanding and that wasn't as much fun as say pony rides, but then again there were times when i would spend days on end watching hulu. so it seemed to counteract the physical parts. my job description is still the same. some months i run non-stop and others (like today) i really have nothing to do. (i did pay all my current bills this morning) but lately i dread coming here. and it's not the work i do but the people i am required to see while i'm here.

there is a growing disdain for my co-work that i imagine has been building up for awhile now but ever since last months staff meeting i don't want to be anywhere near her. i just find her oh so annoying and i find that i have to just not say anything for fear of saying something inappropriate.

every year she and i talk about what months we would like to be taking vacation. i mentioned to her i was looking at either may or march. to which she mentioned her and her husband were also looking into may. so i said ok i would look in march instead. after carefully checking and re-checking many calendars i found a week in march that worked. when i went to my boss with that she informed me that was not a good week for me to be gone because both she and her counter part would be out of town that week. so i said ok i would rearrange and look at different times.

the very next day at our staff meeting my co-worker said she would be taking vacation that week. and my boss turned to me to ask me to cover the office and and all programs. i said yes, fully planning to talk with her about this after the meeting, and we carried on. a few minutes later my boss realized what she had just done and decided everyone would be off that week and we would just close the office.

while part of me was glad to be able to go on my trip part of me was very annoyed. why not tell her too she couldn't take that week? why go to the trouble of closing for a whole week? why are we making exceptions for her case? and then the rest of us benefit too? i just didn't understand.

sadly the prices for my trip went up so i am no longer able to go that week any way. while i don't blame my work situation directly for the rate increase i do feel if my boss had just let me go in the first place and made her stay i would have gotten tickets at the good price. also if my boss had said everyone needs to be here i'd be less bitter. because i will now be here to run the office while everyone is away.

as previously stated, i can't help it. i'm still upset by it. i'm annoyed i have to be here, i'm annoyed that i can't find another good time to go anywhere, i'm annoyed my co-worker is leaving that same time, i'm annoyed that it seems as if once again the rules have been altered to avoid her having a fit. i'm just over all annoyed and it's rubbing off onto my daily encounters with her.

i find i don't want to talk with her about anything, work related or not. that i find the very sound of her voice grating even when she's not talking to or about me. and i can't help it. i can only hope that once that week has come and gone i will be over it but i have no hopes that i will be over it before then. and that means being annoyed for the next month. and that seems like a lot of energy.

i had hoped that writing this would make me feel even the tiniest bit better but no luck. i don't feel angrier either so i guess that's good. i do feel like trying to find a way to screw her over but that's not very mature or helpful.

unless it makes me feel better.

the end.

Monday, February 22, 2010

testing one two...


i'm impatient and trying to link or feed or whatever it's technically called this blog to the facebook. so basically this post isn't anything fun or interesting just me playing with technology. wooo hooo!
technology is hard!

the end!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

what the o

the o button on my laptop isn't working right. what's up with that? is there a way to take it a part like you would do with a regular keyboard? somewhere around here i have a can of air but i don't remember where i put it. perhaps i will spend today looking for it while i fight with myself to breath.

stupid cold!

the end

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

my bloody valentine.......'s day

alright so my valentine's day wasn't exactly bloody. i really enjoyed my day. more then i thought i was going to. and that included the fact that i had to go grocery shopping.

i woke up at a regular time and decided to enjoy the time in bed with the dog and the internet. just as i was thinking i might was breakfast i heard
teak come home and start fussing in the kitchen. i waited a bit and to my relief a very tasty breakfast came walking through my bedroom door. followed by gifts. i got a super duty kitchen aide cheese grater set. it's got a box grater and a fine grater and one of those rotary ones. also a mini egg pan. one of those teeny tiny ones that cooks one egg at a time. it's the cutest thing ever! and if that wasn't enough i also got a dozen red roses.

sadly the husband had to go back to work and i was left to do laundry and and go shopping. the usual sunday jobs. i did make a stop at a few stores to pick up some goodies for my valentine. a new spoon and some dvd's. a bath rug for him (not very romantic but practical) .

that was pretty much the end f valentines day. not exciting but thoughtful. and with us headed to the bay area the next day i had other things to look forward to.

so on monday we got up early and headed to oaklan
d where i got this:

my new tattoo hooray!!! and to my surprise teak payed for it as part of my valentines day gift.

we then headed over the bridge to have dinner at the stinking rose. teak had never been and i'd only been once but really enojyed it. so we ate!!!

bagna caulda

teak enjoyed it

teak ordered pizza

i had gnocchi

and then we had garlic ice cream

all and all it was a very very nice day. and we made it home around 10 p.m. which was nice because i had to work the next day.

now to go wash up my tattoo!

the end!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


wow it's been a week since i posted anything. sad about me. although had i know i was going to fracture my elbow shortly after launching this blog i would have waited. cause this one armed typing is getting on my nerves.

so here goes the update:

kitty's still dead. not that i thought that would change but for some reason it feels relevant to me. and if that status does change she's going to be pissed she's been cremated and is now stuck in a wooden box.

elbow is still fractured. dr. says i can choose to not wear the sling as long as i am doing "absolutely nothing". i have broadened the definition of nothing to "as long as i am around my house and not using my arm". cause i'm tired of wearing the sling. but i'm supposed to go back for another x-ray tomorrow to see if i am making any progress. but i am blowing off the appointment because....

i have tonsillitis. i am recovering well with out the aid of antibiotics which is nice. i use to get tonsillitis twice a year but i haven't gotten it in three years or so. so i figure i'm over do for the illness. luckily this has been the mildest case i've ever had. which is why i'm not taking antibiotics. i figure if i can get well with out being on them then there is no reason to be on them.

a friend of mine insisted i get on facebook. turns out i already had a facebook account but i am now using it. but only to play a game. this friend of mine said i had to check out cafe world because she's obsessed with it. so i did and now i'm obsessed also. at least it's given me something to do the last 2 days while i've been in bed getting well.

i can not for the life of me figure out how to get my blog to e-mail me when comments are left. while no one other then my sister has left comments it's not a big deal but on the off chance any one else ever leaves a comment i would love to figure out how to change that. if you've got thoughts let me know.

and i have been reintroduced to an old favorite quote of mine so don't be surprised if you here or see me spouting it out at every chance i get.

"Jerk! Ass, arrogant, inconsiderate, mindless, frat-boy, lowlife, butt-faced miscreant!"

the end.