it started out exactly as planned. i got up and went to work and then went over to the high school. i had to go deliver an award to ROTC for the volunteering they did for The Salvation Army over Christmas. they always ring bells for us and this year they won an award for doing so.
after presenting them with their award i tracked down an old teacher just to say hello, and then i tracked down my sister-in-law just to harass her. that was good times, but being back in that school 10 years after was weird. i've been there on off days but never while school was in. i'm 28 and i all of a sudden felt 18 again. strange.
by the time i was done it was 10 and my next "appointment" wasn't until 10:30 so i thought i'd treat myself to a nice breakfast. i went over to heidi's which i haven't been to in 9 years or something and had me some breakfast. in an attempt to not over eat or spend too much money i order biscuits and gravy and only water. it was a filling breakfast and i was full but not over full. so i felt good about that choice i have to say. after my tasty breakfast it was the perfect time to start my stalking mission (a.k.a. my next "appointment")
a friend of the family has been doing my hair for years. she's the only one whose ever really been able to do it right and i love her a lot. she's never afraid to do something crazy and she always answers my really dumb questions. i had called the salon and found out she'd be in a 10:30 so i headed on over.
it was still just before 10:30 and she wasn't there yet so i sat around the parking lot to wait for her. meanwhile i looked through the dvds i had brought with me for the perfect shot of the hair cut i wanted. when she showed up i told her i was there to just talk about my hair and see what she thought and if we could do it great if we needed to re-schedule fine too. she told me she had an appointment already this morning and asked if i could come back to talk about it around 12:30. i told her no problem and let her go on her way.
since i didn't have anything to really do and i was already in the midst of looking for the hair on the dvd i just stayed in the parking lot and kept looking through everything, fully intending to head back to work as soon as i found it. just wanted to be perpared for the afternoon. well a few minutes later she came out and told me her earlier appointment had come and gone so if i wanted to come in and talk now that'd be fine. so i jumped at the chance. i showed her the dvd and we talked about the cut and then the color and then she decide to jump right in and go for it. so of course i was stoked! and three hours later i was done.
and here's the result:
yay! i'm excited and i like it a lot.
the pictures don't do the purple and the blue justice but it's great and the cut makes it super curly which is perfect!
this evening i went to the new knitting group some ladies from the corps are starting. it was a lot of fun. one of the ladies has really been helping me and she showed me how to fix the knitting mistake i've been making and learn to purl. then she gave me homework. i have to knit purl like 10 rows and it's called something. i forget. but it's one of the many new steps i need to learn the next project i have to start. it was really fun and there was beer.
and the my dear was my day.
the end!
this evening i went to the new knitting group some ladies from the corps are starting. it was a lot of fun. one of the ladies has really been helping me and she showed me how to fix the knitting mistake i've been making and learn to purl. then she gave me homework. i have to knit purl like 10 rows and it's called something. i forget. but it's one of the many new steps i need to learn the next project i have to start. it was really fun and there was beer.
and the my dear was my day.
the end!