Friday, May 11, 2012

I found my way back

Well I guess it's been awhile since I've been in here because the entire look is new and I can't really figure out my way around.  Everything is different which I guess is what you get if you don't log in for a year and eight months.  Man I suck at stuffs!!!  But, on the bright side, I actually remembered my password so I'm not locked out forever.  How excited are we all.

Uhhh do we spend some time catching up?  That sounds hard.  Here's the short story:

Still live with husband and sister.
Still love tupperware.
Lost 64 lbs.
Quitting my job (any second now)

O.K.  We're all caught up.  Go team. 

Let's see if we can keep this up a little better from here on out shall we!

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